MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- For patients with acute low back pain, the comparative effectiveness and safety of analgesic medications is unclear, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis published online March 22 in The BMJ.Mic...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Adolescents' positive perceptions of their relationships with their parents are associated with favorable outcomes in young adulthood, according to a study published online March 21 in JAMA Network Open.Carol...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Most patients, including those receiving nonnormal results, prefer to receive test results though an online patient portal immediately, according to a study published online March 20 in JAMA Network Open.Brya...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Florida tiene otra nueva especie de mosquito que ha migrado desde los trópicos, y que se ha arraigado en al menos tres condados desde 2018.Todavía no está claro si este, llamado Culex lactator, contribu...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- No hay nada como la comodidad y la seguridad del hogar. Para muchos, el hogar es un lugar lleno de dulces recuerdos de momentos felices.No es de extrañar que los adultos mayores elijan alargar su indepe...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- -Las mujeres con una enfermedad mental tienen un riesgo de cuello uterino que es el doble de alto que el de las demás, según una investigación reciente. Unos investigadores suecos anotaron que las mujer...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Una investigación de punta muestra unos marcadores genéticos del abuso de sustancias, y podría conducir a unas formas más efectivas de prevenir y tratar los trastornos de abuso de sustancias y alcohol.E...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Muchas personas aumentaron de peso durante los meses de confinamiento por la pandemia de COVID, y ahora ese peso adicional le pesa a muchos en la conciencia, muestra una nueva encuesta.Casi un tercio (u...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Es probable que el senador John Fetterman, que ingresó por voluntad propia al Hospital Walter Reed debido a una depresión hace cinco semanas, vuelva pronto a trabajar, anunció el jueves su ayudante.El s...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Aunque perder al cónyuge puede acortarle la vida a cualquier persona, una nueva investigación danesa sugiere que los hombres que enviudan son mucho más vulnerables que las viudas.Tras seis años de monit...
VIERNES, 24 de marzo de 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Las bacterias E. coli son infames debido al a intoxicación alimentaria, pero un nuevo estudio sugiere que estos mismos microbios, que se ocultan en la carne, quizá sea responsables de casi medio millón ...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Smokeless tobacco use is associated with an increased incidence of peripheral artery disease, similar to that seen with cigarette smoking, according to a study recently published in the American Journal of Pr...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- In live pregnancies ending in a miscarriage, embryonic morphological development is delayed, according to a study published online March 26 in Human Reproduction.Carsten S. Pietersma, from the University Medi...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Adults with atopic dermatitis (AD) have an increased risk for developing melanoma, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), with significantly higher risks seen for moderate-to-severe ve...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Practitioner-supported, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy self-help (MBCT-SH) is superior to standard recommended treatment for mild-to-moderate depression, according to a study published online March 22 in...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Miscarriages are devastating and often seem to happen out of nowhere, but researchers may have found a new high-tech way to predict which pregnancies are likely to end in miscarriage and which ones are not.Th...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Chances of graduating from lower and upper secondary education are significantly lower for children born by cesarean section (CS), according to a study published online March 22 in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecol...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Treatment with nirmatrelvir during the acute phase of COVID-19 may reduce the risk for postacute adverse health outcomes, according to a study published online March 23 in JAMA Internal Medicine.Yan Xie, Ph.D...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- The risk for cancer transmission in transplants from deceased donors with primary brain tumors is low and long-term transplant outcomes are favorable, according to a study published online March 22 in JAMA Su...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Turnover among operative staff is associated with procedural inefficiency during total joint arthroplasty, according to a study published online March 22 in JAMA Surgery.Henry C. Cousins, M.Phil., from Stanfo...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Patients with invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) have an increased risk for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), with the elevated risk persisting for one year, according to a study published online Feb. 8 in ...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- People with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection have an increased risk for gastrointestinal disorders after the acute phase of COVID-19, according to a study published online March 7 in ...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- For depressed or anxious children, taking melatonin may afford a good night's sleep and, as a result, lower the odds they will harm themselves, new research suggests.The risk of self-harm increased before mel...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- It’s long been thought that working out helps a person stay sharp, but a new review argues there’s little solid scientific evidence for the mental benefits of physical exercise.Individual clinical trial resul...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Sen. Mitch McConnell is back home more than two weeks after he fell at a private dinner and was hospitalized with a concussion and broken rib. The Senate Minority Leader spent five days in the hospital and th...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- Cynthia Felix Jeffers was a baby when her 12-day-old sister died from a congenital heart defect.She was 22 when her brother, a week shy of 20, died from the same condition.Cynthia, meanwhile,...
LUNES, 27 de marzo de 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- Cynthia Felix Jeffers era una bebé cuando su hermana de 12 días de nacida murió de un defecto cardíaco congénito.Tenía 22 años cuando su hermano, a una semana de cumplir los 20, falleció ...
MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Boys born to women who had COVID-19 during pregnancy may be at risk for developmental delays, a new study suggests.Delays in speech and motor function were the most commonly diagnosed conditions in these chil...