Sleep Deprivation and New Parents
New parents are easy to spot: The bloodshot eyes and dazed expressions are an instant tip-off. Although the birth of a child is a joyous event, many parents are taken aback by how exhausted they feel during those first weeks and months. Newborns usual…
Learn MoreDads: How to Share in Your Partner’s Pregnancy
In an earnest, but possibly misguided attempt to enable men and teens to see what it feels like to be pregnant, somebody decided to invent something called “The Empathy Belly.” Men strap on this prosthetic torso — complete with a bulging tummy and sw…
Learn MoreChildbirth Education Classes
Before you reach your third trimester, you should be thinking about registering for a childbirth education class. Like most prospective parents, you’re probably apprehensive about labor, delivery, and your first days with your new baby. The courses ar…
Learn MoreQuiz: Do You Know How to Protect Your Child From Poisoning?
The houseplant in the living room, the medicines in the bathroom, the cleaners in the kitchen — just about every room in the house can contain a poison. Do you know which common household items could endanger your child’s life? Take this short multip…
Learn MoreQuiz: Do You Make the Dream Team?
Most parents are prepared for the sleepless nights that come with having an infant, but few expect them to last more than a few months. Seasoned moms and dads know, however, that what with bad dreams, extra glasses of water, and monsters under the bed…
Learn MoreChildren and Cancer
What causes cancer in children?When a child develops cancer, everyone has the same question: Why? In most cases, there is no obvious explanation. Cells in the body sometimes make mistakes when copying themselves, and some of those mistakes can turn in…
Learn MoreDeath Trip
The headline in the paper morning made me recoil. Another young boy had died in a wilderness boot camp — a victim, like many before him, of abuse at the hands of those in charge of helping him. That was 20 years ago, but today TikTok is flooded by vi…
Learn MoreCerebral Palsy
What is cerebral palsy?The growth of a human brain is an incredible feat of nature. Even before a baby is born, many billions of neurons have to fit together as precisely as the pieces of a puzzle. With that kind of complexity, it’s no wonder that the…
Learn MoreHow to Tackle Theme Parks Safely
A theme park may seem like the most family-friendly vacation destination, but that’s not always the case. Along with the rides, attractions, and cartoon characters come to life, you and your child might well encounter long lines, high temperatures, an…
Learn MoreChild Neglect
A child left alone in a dirty apartment
while his parent sits in a bar drinking — this is
the sort of picture “neglect” often brings to mind.
But child neglect can take many fo…