MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) – Colorado voters have voted narrowly to approve the medical use of “magic mushrooms” in Colorado.“I’m in awe of what we were able to accomplish,” said Veronica Lightning Horse Perez, a lead proponent for legaliz...
MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- As most American parents already know, cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common illness of childhood, are surging this year. Hospitals are filling up with babies and toddlers very ill with the easy...
MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Every time a person gets infected with COVID-19, their risk of dying or suffering serious long-term health problems increases dramatically, a new study has found.People with repeated COVID-19 infections are tw...
Does your child have a cold or severe RSV? Most cases of RSV will just look like a cold, and then improve over time. But in some cases, labored breathing can be a sign a child needs hospital care. Read moreDamage to health mounts with each new COVID ...
MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- While appendix cancer is rare, for a small percentage of patients the disease may be linked to a particular genetic variant, a new study suggests. Researchers built on earlier research with this study, finding...
MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Plant-based diets can be better for the environment, but they’re not all created equally, new research shows. The best type of plant-based diet for health and environmental benefits are those higher in whole g...
MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The brains of girls and boys who have binge eating disorder show key differences, according to a new study.That's an important finding, researchers say, because both genders struggle with eating disorders, yet...
SUNDAY, Nov. 13, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- While most homes aren't designed to be dementia-friendly, they can easily be adapted, according to a national Alzheimer's disease group."Virtually every aspect of a home can affect the person's quality of life...
SATURDAY, Nov. 12, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A good workout can boost mood, making it an ideal routine as the days get shorter and darker.If you're one of the millions affected by seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and you feel tired, unmotivated, down ...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The state of California is suing several companies for their role in manufacturing "forever chemicals."The lawsuit filed Thursday also claims that the companies, including 3M and DuPont, covered up the harm th...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The breast cancer of author and poet Stephanie Gangi has receded and advanced in wearying waves for two decades now.First diagnosed and treated in 1999, Gangi’s cancer spread to the bone of her sternum in 2014...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (American Heart Association News) -- Zayne McCall was blue when he was born. Before his mother could hold him, doctors rushed him away to run tests.At first, they thought one of his lungs had collapsed. Further testing showed Zay...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- COVID-19 swept across the world far more effectively than previously thought, with a stunning number of cases left unreported as recently as the summer of 2021, a new World Health Organization (WHO) study says...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Only one day after California voters approved allowing a state law banning flavored tobacco products to take effect, a tobacco giant has sued to prevent it. R.J. Reynolds on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit c...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Emergency rooms are clogged with people who are waiting for inpatient beds or other care and it's causing a crisis, according to the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).ACEP is one of more than 30 ...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- It's a potentially deadly issue: Some U.S. school administrators don’t keep life-saving albuterol asthma inhalers on hand because they’re afraid of getting sued for misuse. That's true even in states like Illi...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A common characteristic of autism is a reluctance to make eye contact with others, and researchers now think they know where in the brain this comes from.Brain scans show that folks with autism spectrum disord...
FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) – Too little of the "sunshine vitamin" -- vitamin D -- in Black Americans could raise their odds of developing diabetes, new research suggests. Two new studies found an association between levels of vitamin D in ...
Three-fifths of world's people may have been exposed to COVID virus. Many more people have been infected with COVID-19 than previously known, with as many as 10.5 infections for every reported case, new research suggests. Read moreLiability fears keep...
THURSDAY, Nov. 10, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- About 11.3 percent of all middle and high school students reported currently using any tobacco product in 2022, with electronic cigarettes the most commonly used product, according to research published in ...
THURSDAY, Nov. 10, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A standardized, evidence-based mindfulness intervention is noninferior to pharmacotherapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders, according to a study published online Nov. 9 in JAMA Psychiatry.Elizabeth A. ...
THURSDAY, Nov. 10, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Time from infection or vaccination to delivery is the most important factor in transfer efficiency of COVID-19 protection from mother to infant, according to a study published online Nov. 9 in JAMA Network O...
THURSDAY, Nov. 10, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- For older adults, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) use is associated with a slower decline in memory function, according to a study published online Nov. 9 in Neurology.Peiyi Lu, Ph.D., from ...
THURSDAY, Nov. 10, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Public health officials are investigating an outbreak of Listeria that has infected people in at least six states, hospitalizing 13, killing one, and causing the loss of a pregnancy. The outbreak strain is c...
MIÉRCOLES, 9 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Evaluar el estrés psicológico de una persona puede ser una buena forma de medir su riesgo de enfermedad cardiaca y de los vasos sanguíneos, sugiere una investigación reciente.Y un breve cuestionari...
MIÉRCOLES, 9 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- La epidemia de opioides de EE. UU. le rompe el corazón a cualquiera... literalmente.El riesgo de los adultos jóvenes de fallecer de una devastadora infección del corazón se ha duplicado o triplicad...
MIÉRCOLES, 9 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Unos investigadores han precisado unas células nerviosas que son clave para permitir a las personas con parálisis caminar de nuevo, un avance en el tratamiento de las lesiones de la médula espinal....
MIÉRCOLES, 9 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Las mujeres tienden a poder recuperarse mejor de las lesiones renales que los hombres, ¿pero por qué?Aparentemente, las mujeres tienen una ventaja a nivel molecular que las protege de una forma de ...
MIÉRCOLES, 9 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Equipar las oficinas con unos muebles más "saludables" podría reducir la exposición humana a las PFAS, unas riesgosas sustancias, sugiere una nueva investigación.Para observar los niveles de PFAS e...
MIÉRCOLES, 9 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Más jóvenes estadounidenses que nunca se están haciendo tan adictos a los cigarrillos electrónicos que vapean en un plazo de 5 minutos tras despertarse en la mañana, muestra un nuevo análisis.Mient...