MARTES, 28 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Pfizer Inc. anunció el martes que ha presentado a los reguladores federales los datos iniciales sobre la eficacia de su vacuna contra la COVID-19 en niños más pequeños.También se espera que la compa...
MARTES, 28 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Un medicamento de uso común en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis podría reducir el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2, sugiere un estudio reciente.Tomar alendronato (Fosamax) durante al menos ocho años podrí...
MARTES, 28 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- La altamente contagiosa variante Delta es el motivo de que más personas hayan decidido vacunarse contra la COVID-19, muestra una nueva encuesta.Pero la encuesta de la Kaiser Family Foundation tambié...
MARTES, 28 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Los adolescentes que comen muchas frutas y verduras son propensos a disfrutar de una mejor salud mental.Esa es la conclusión clave de un nuevo estudio, que también vinculó un desayuno y un almuerzo ...
La cirugía para perder peso es más peligrosa para los hombres que para las mujeres, según un estudio
MARTES, 28 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- La cirugía para perder peso es más arriesgada en los hombres que en las mujeres, y los hombres tienen cinco veces más probabilidades de morir en los 30 días posteriores al procedimiento, encuentra u...
MARTES, 28 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- El entrenamiento en fuerza puede ayudarlo a perder peso, informan unos investigadores australianos.Su nuevo estudio afirma que se puede perder un porcentaje de grasa corporal mediante el entrenamien...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- In a survey of parents in metro Chicago, nearly half of Black parents (48%) said they were reluctant to have their kids vaccinated against COVID-19, researchers say.That's significantly higher than the 33%...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- In a survey of parents in metro Chicago, nearly half of Black parents (48%) said they were reluctant to have their kids vaccinated against COVID-19, researchers say.That's significantly higher than the 33%...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Pregnant women who receive an epidural to ease their pain during labor aren't any more likely than others to have kids with autism, two new studies show.Earlier research suggested this practice may increas...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (American Heart Association News) -- For people with heart disease and stroke, COVID-19 vaccines offer protection against the life-threatening disease caused by the coronavirus, and a booster dose could bolster that protectio...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (American Heart Association News) -- Last October, Katherine Romano was cleaning her house when her neck started to hurt. She kept going, trying to complete her chores, until the pain shifted to her upper back."It was so terr...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- A pair of experimental tests could help doctors detect colon or prostate cancer with just a sample of blood or saliva.One test examines a person's blood for four biomarkers linked to inflammation. In a sma...
Side effects of Pfizer booster shots are no different than with first two doses: The reassuring report comes as millions of Americans sign up for their third dose of the vaccine. Read moreNew tests for colon, prostate cancer show promise: In a pair of...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Roughly a third of Americans on high blood pressure medications do not have their blood pressure under control, a new study reveals.And younger men and older women are particularly vulnerable, researchers ...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- People buying pills that look like prescription opioid painkillers or stimulants who are not buying them from a licensed pharmacy may be buying a lethal drug, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration warne...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- As millions of Americans sign up to get their Pfizer booster shot, a new government report delivers reassuring news about its expected side effects.The study, published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Cont...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Marijuana use by mothers-to-be may have increased by as much as one-quarter during the pandemic, a new study suggests.Researchers found a substantial increase in the number of women in Northern California ...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Spend time with babies and you'll see they pick up items, bang them together and, often, chew on them.That play is key to learning and development, but most research on infant play has taken place in a lab...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) - - The MIND diet may help older people ward off Alzheimer's disease, a new study finds. Developed by the late Martha Clare Morris, who was a Rush University nutritional epidemiologist, and her colleagues, th...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- If you're older and your legs ache, it could be nothing -- or it could be a sign of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Have you ever even heard of it? Maybe not. That's why the Society for Vascular Surgery w...
TUESDAY, Sept. 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Pfizer Inc. announced Tuesday that it has submitted initial data to federal regulators on the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine among younger children. The company is also expected to submit the same data on ...
TUESDAY, Sept. 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- All New York City teachers and school staff will still need to get a COVID-19 vaccine following an unexpected ruling from a federal appeals panel on Monday that upheld the school system's vaccine mandate.Whi...
TUESDAY, Sept. 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Air pollution impacts the youngest humans, with new research linking dirty air to almost 6 million premature births and almost 3 million underweight babies worldwide in 2019. More than 90% of the world's pop...
LUNES, 27 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Una copa de muestras llena de orina sanguinolenta. Unos pies en descomposición, con unos dedos negros y podridos, algunos ya amputados.Un chico pálido con oscuras ojeras, que respira con una máscara....
LUNES, 27 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- La ayuda para conservar la función mental en la vejez quizá esté a apenas una página web de distancia.Si bien los crucigramas y el ejercicio con frecuencia se publicitan como formas de mantener las h...
LUNES, 27 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Cuando las madres sufren depresión durante o después del embarazo, sus hijos podrían también tener un riesgo más alto, incluso hasta la adultez temprana, sugiere un estudio reciente.De más de 5,000 j...
LUNES, 27 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Pfizer planifica solicitar pronto la aprobación para el uso de su vacuna contra la COVID-19 para los niños menores de 12 años."Es una cuestión de días, no de semanas", declaró el domingo a ABC News e...
LUNES, 27 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Utilizar máscaras en las escuelas parece reducir de forma marcada la propagación de la COVID-19, a pesar del predominio de la altamente contagiosa variante Delta, muestran dos nuevos estudios de EE. ...