JUEVES, 17 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Hacer una actividad física moderada de forma regular puede ayudar a alargar las vidas de las personas con cáncer de colon, según un estudio reciente. El ejercicio es útil incluso para los pacientes c...
JUEVES, 17 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- ¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado por qué los niños parecen absorber las habilidades y el conocimiento nuevos más rápido que los adultos?Un estudio reciente atribuye la agilidad mental de los niños a dife...
JUEVES, 17 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Dentro de poco, los estadounidenses podrían estar comiendo carne de pollo cultivada en un laboratorio a partir de células del animal, en lugar de criados en una granja o un centro.El miércoles, la Ad...
JUEVES, 17 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Más de 1 de cada 10 nacimientos ocurren ahora de forma prematura en Estados Unidos, y el número de estos alumbramientos, que son más peligroso, se disparó en un 4 por ciento en 2021, muestra un nuevo...
JUEVES, 17 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Una rara enfermedad parasitaria que se ha documentado desde hace mucho en Europa parece haberse arraigado en Estados Unidos.Unos investigadores de Vermont reportan dos casos en humanos de la enfermed...
JUEVES, 17 de noviembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Los audífonos de venta libre ofrecen ahora a los estadounidenses mayores una opción más asequible para gestionar una pérdida auditiva entre leve y moderada.Pero algunos adultos mayores que oyen mal y...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Pfizer's updated COVID booster shots are proving their mettle against emerging omicron variants, the company announced Friday.The latest version of the vaccine generated virus-fighting antibodies against four ...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The Biden administration on Thursday offered assistance to communities and hospitals dealing with a surge in cases of pediatric respiratory illnesses, but it did not declare a national public health emergency....
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A risk score tool can accurately predict an individual’s 13-year dementia risk, according to a study published online Nov. 17 in JAMA Network Open.Lina Ren, from Shenzhen Mental Health Centre in China, and col...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- In patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD) are associated with high-risk vascular diseases (HRVD), according to a study published online Nov. 17 in BMJ Open Op...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- At the end of 2021, population-based screening and diagnosis remained below prepandemic levels for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers, according to a research letter published online Nov. 17 in JAMA Onco...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- For patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), temporarily discontinuing methotrexate for one week is noninferior to discontinuation for two weeks after seasonal flu vaccination to induce an immediate and long-t...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who are treated with lower doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have an increased risk for hospitalizations for SLE flares, according to a study presented at the a...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Short sleep duration and daytime napping appear to increase the risk for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to a study published online Nov. 9 in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.Shuai Yuan, fro...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- COVID-19 did not have a long-term impact on the disease course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to a study published online Nov. 4 in Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology.Simon J. Hong, M.D.,...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Pregnancy can bring about the onset of or exacerbate audiovestibular disorders, including vertigo, according to a review published online Oct. 1 in Cureus.Noting that vertigo is one of the most common symptoms...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Most children at familial high risk for schizophrenia (FHR-SZ) or bipolar disorder (FHR-BP) have stable neurocognitive development, but some transition to a different, usually more impaired, subgroup, accordin...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A severely paralyzed person no longer needs to go through brain surgery to try and steer a motorized wheelchair with their mind, researchers report.Through an electrode-studded cap placed on their head, severa...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (American Heart Association News) -- Soccer is filled with cardiovascular activities that can benefit the brain as well as the heart.From fullbacks sprinting back to prevent a counterattack to midfielders jogging up the other end...
VIERNES, 18 de noviembre de 2022 (American Heart Association News) -- El fútbol está repleto de actividades cardiovasculares que pueden beneficiar tanto al cerebro como al corazón.Desde los defensores que retroceden a toda carrera para prevenir un con...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the first drug that could delay the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D).Teplizumab (Tzield) targets the autoimmune issues that drive the disease, rat...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- If you're diagnosed with early breast cancer, treatment often involves breast-conserving surgery followed by chemotherapy, medication and a course of radiation to keep your cancer from coming back. However, li...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The Biden administration on Thursday offered assistance to communities and hospitals dealing with a surge in cases of pediatric respiratory illnesses, but it did not declare a national public health emergency....
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Something — or rather, someone — may be standing between moms and a regular exercise routine: their children. New research from the universities of Cambridge and Southampton in the United Kingdom suggests that...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Guns cause more than half of all suicides in the United States each year, and new research finds most of these are handguns owned by the deceased that were stored unlocked and loaded.Researchers used data from...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- It’s sort of like the Goldilocks principle — a room that’s either too dry or too humid can influence transmission of COVID-19 and cause more illness or death, Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers ...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- It might be tempting to buy prescription medication online, but buyers should beware, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns.While some pharmacy websites operate legally and can offer convenience, privacy...
FRIDAY, Nov. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Whether you survive a bout with cancer may depend, in part, on where you live.Researchers at the American Cancer Society and Clemson University in South Carolina found a 20% higher death rate for all cancer ty...