Quiz: Do You Know How to Cope With Job Stress?
Whether you’re at the top of the career ladder or a few rungs down, chances are you’ve felt some stress on the job. In a survey reported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 40 percent of Americans said their jobs were “very o…
Learn MoreChild’s Play
Think back to the happiest moments of your childhood. Chances are, you weren’t sitting at a desk or finishing up a chore. More likely, you were running around at the park, jumping in a creek, or building a new civilization in your backyard. For kids o…
Learn MoreRaising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, Ages 1 to 3
It’s not easy being a toddler. One moment your child feels as if he’s king of the world; the next he’s crying in rage and hurling a toy across the room. Like many parents, you may find it hard to cope with your toddler’s outbursts of anger and frustra…
Learn MoreNight Terrors
If you’ve ever seen a young child in the grip of a night terror, you’ll never forget it. He’ll wail in panic, scream, and thrash about like a small animal. His eyes are wide open but he doesn’t recognize or even see you. A child with a night terror is…
Learn MoreDepression and Violence in Teens
It was just another Monday morning, the beginning of a normal school week, when 15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams whipped out a .22-caliber revolver in the bathroom of his high school in Santee, California, and unleashed a barrage of fire at the stu…
Learn MoreEven in His Youth
In 1994, Kurt Cobain took his life at the age of 27. Like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and other rock stars who died young before him, Cobain has achieved a youthful immortality in which his memory endures as symbol more than man. As the …
Learn MoreBonding With Your Baby
Expectant parents can be forgiven if they panic when they hear the word “bonding.”Library shelves and web sites are devoted to the importance of bonding with a newborn and the trauma that may result when it doesn’t take place. Many parents now fear th…
Learn MoreDental Phobia
Tim Day is a master sergeant in the Air Force. When the Gulf War erupted in the early 1990s, he was one of the first to volunteer for Operation Desert Storm. He also runs three miles a day and plays full contact football, often emerging from games blo…
Learn MoreMedicines and Sex: Drugs That May Cause Sexual Side Effects
When a doctor tells you that you need a certain medication, you should take it.But you should also be prepared for the possibility that some medicines and sex don’t always mix well together.This article will explore the types of drugs that could poten…
Learn MoreInternational Adoption
As many parents who have adopted overseas know, sometimes your heart’s desire turns up in a place you never expected.Amy Davis* of the California Bay Area said she never expected to adopt from Guatemala. But her adoption agency encouraged her to look …
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