Vitaminas, aceite de pescado, minerales: ¿Cuáles complementos ayudan o dañan al corazón?
MIÉRCOLES, 7 de diciembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) — Los fabricantes hacen todo tipo de afirmaciones sobre la salud, ¿pero tomar un complemento puede en realidad reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiaca?Un completo análisis de investigaciones anterio…
Learn MoreSupplementation of Some Micronutrients May Improve CVD Outcomes
THURSDAY, Dec. 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Supplementation of some micronutrients may reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcomes, according to a review published in the Dec. 13 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.Peng An, Ph.D…
Learn MoreStatins May Lower Risk of Deadly ‘Bleeding’ Strokes
THURSDAY, Dec. 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Statins may do more than help your heart: New research shows the cholesterol-lowering drugs may also lower your risk for a bleeding stroke.An intracerebral hemorrhage, which involves bleeding in the brain, co…
Learn MoreBattling High Blood Pressure? Adding Yoga to Your Workout Might Help
THURSDAY, Dec. 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Adding a little yoga to an exercise routine can be the fix someone needs to drop high blood pressure, a small study suggests.“As observed in several studies, we recommend that patients try to find exercise an…
Learn MoreIntervention Delivered Via Web-Based Platform Ups BP Control
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2022 (HealthDay News) — A multicomponent intervention delivered on a web-based platform can improve blood pressure (BP) control among individuals with hypertension, according to a study published online Dec. 7 in JAMA Network Open….
Learn MoreStatin Use Linked to Reduced Risk for Intracerebral Hemorrhage
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Statin use, especially prolonged statin use, is associated with a reduced risk for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), according to a study published online Dec. 7 in Neurology.Nils Jensen Boe, M.D., from Odense…
Learn MoreEl riesgo de una hipertensión de nueva aparición aumenta tras el embarazo
MARTES, 6 de diciembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) — Una de cada 10 mujeres desarrollará hipertensión por primera vez en su vida durante el año posterior a dar a luz a un hijo, encuentra un estudio reciente.”Los hallazgos del estudio tienen implicacione…
Learn MoreAHA News: A Heart Attack During Pregnancy, Then Heart Valve Surgery
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2022 (American Heart Association News) — As she walked up to her fourth-floor apartment, Marisa MacDonnell figured something was different with this pregnancy, her second.She felt winded. She had to take deeper breaths. And when sh…
Learn MoreVitamins, Fish Oil, Minerals: Which Supplements Help or Harm the Heart?
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Manufacturers make all kinds of health claims, but can taking a dietary supplement actually lower your heart disease risk?A comprehensive analysis of prior research suggests that in certain cases the answer …
Learn MoreLa culebrilla aumenta las probabilidades de ACV y ataque cardiaco en casi un 30 por ciento
LUNES, 5 de diciembre de 2022 (HealthDay News) — Las personas que han sufrido culebrilla podrían enfrentarse a un mayor riesgo de ataque cardiaco o accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) en años posteriores, sugiere un nuevo estudio de gran tamaño.Cualquier…
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