Health Highlights: Jan.3, 2023

Staying hydrated could mean less disease, slower aging. New research has discovered that older adults who are properly hydrated may be healthier and live longer than those who aren't, having less incidence of conditions like heart and lung disease. Read more
Resolved to lose weight in 2023? Experts compare popular diets. Any new diet should fit your lifestyle and focus on healthy and achievable changes rather than huge behavior shifts. Read more
As the popularity of weed edibles rises, so do accidental poisonings in kids. In just the past five years, there has been a 14-fold increase in such calls to poison centers. Read more
Some people's guts are better than others at gaining energy from food. The new findings could help scientists move toward "precision diets" that work in concert with a person's gut bacteria, experts say. Read more
Tennis legend Martina Navratilova has breast, throat cancer. “This double whammy is serious but still fixable,” the 66-year-old said in a statement. Read more
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