Health Highlights: Jan. 10, 2022

Experts offer help with finding, using at-home COVID tests. The surge of the Omicron variant across the United States has left people scrambling to find at-home COVID-19 test kits. Read more
Gun deaths continue to rise in America's cities. New data shows that firearms were involved in 75% of all homicides and 91% of homicides involving youths between 2018 and 2019 -- a rate basically unchanged from 2016. The new numbers are a significant and troubling uptick from a decade before. Read more
Signs of price-gouging for tough-to-find COVID home tests. Kits that should cost under $25 are selling at some outlets for double or even triple that amount, consumer watchdogs say. Read more
'Flurona': When COVID meets the flu. It's a COVID phenomenon that had, until now, gone relatively unnoticed: You can be infected with COVID-19 and the flu at the same time. Read more
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