Health Highlights: Jan. 28, 2022
A new strategy to fight deadly liver cancers. Surgical removal of tumors on the liver doesn't guarantee they won't return. But a new approach -- starting patients on immunotherapy before surgery -- may greatly improve survival, doctors say. Read more
Physical therapy or steroid injections -- what's best for arthritic knees? A new analysis finds that, over the longer term, regular physical therapy may be the more cost-effective choice. Read more
COVID-19 immunity: more than just antibodies. Researchers confirm that, even if antibodies wane, vaccination against coronavirus still activates long-lasting immune system T-cells that target all coronavirus variants. Read more
Watchdog says HHS failing to perform on health crises. The Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan congressional overseer, said Thursday that the Department of Health and Human Services isn't meeting the challenge of the pandemic, weather disasters and potential bioterrorism attacks. Read more
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