Las ratas topo desnudas son fértiles toda su vida. ¿Podría la investigación ayudar a los humanos?
MARTES, 21 de febrero de 2023 (HealthDay News) — La rata topo desnuda es inusual entre los mamíferos por muchos motivos, en particular porque estos roedores conservan la fertilidad a lo largo de toda su vida, que dura décadas.Los investigadores piens…
Learn MoreAlcohol Might Speed Alzheimer’s Progress in Brain, Animal Study Suggests
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 22, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Even modest drinking can speed up the loss of brain cells and formation of the plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, research in mice shows.These plaques are an accumulation of toxic proteins….
Learn MoreNaked Mole-Rats Are Fertile Forever: Could Research Help Humans?
TUESDAY, Feb. 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) — The naked mole-rat is unusual among mammals for many reasons, not least because these rodents remain fertile throughout their decades-long life span.Researchers think the reasons behind that lifelong fertilit…
Learn More¿Una pastilla anticonceptiva a corto plazo para los hombres? Un estudio con ratones apunta a que es posible
MIÉRCOLES, 15 de febrero de 2023 (HealthDay News) — Un chico se toma una pequeña pastilla justo antes de tener intimidad con su novia.Pero la pastilla no es Viagra, como se podría prever.En su lugar, es un anticonceptivo a voluntad que evita un embar…
Learn More¿Qué tan preocupado debe estar el mundo sobre la gripe aviar en humanos?
MARTES, 14 de febrero de 2023 (HealthDay News) — Una cepa de influenza aviar altamente infecciosa está asolando a las bandadas de aves comerciales y particulares, haciendo que el precio de los huevos aumente, a medida que se sacrifican las gallinas p…
Learn MoreA Short-Term Birth Control Pill for Men? Mouse Study Hints Its Possible
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 15, 2023 (HealthDay News) — A guy pops a little pill just before he expects to get frisky with his girlfriend.But the pill isn’t Viagra, as one might expect.Instead, it’s an on-demand contraceptive that will prevent pregnancy even if …
Learn MoreHow Worried Should the World Be About Bird Flu in Humans?
TUESDAY, Feb. 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) — A highly infectious strain of avian influenza is tearing through commercial and backyard poultry flocks, causing egg prices to rise as sick chickens are culled across the United States.Now, some experts are w…
Learn MoreLos venados portan variantes de la COVID que ya no se ven en las personas
VIERNES, 3 de febrero de 2023 (HealthDay News) — Aunque las variantes de la COVID-19 alfa, gama y delta ya no circulan entre los humanos, continúan propagándose entre los venados de cola blanca.Estos animales son el mamífero grande más abundante en A…
Learn MoreDeer Carry COVID Variants No Longer Seen in People
FRIDAY, Feb. 3, 2023 (HealthDay News) — While COVID-19 variants Alpha, Gamma and Delta are no longer circulating among humans, they continue to spread in white-tailed deer. The animals are the most abundant large mammal in North America. Scientists a…
Learn MoreIs Oxytocin Really the ‘Love Hormone’? Rodent Research Raises Doubt
TUESDAY, Jan. 31, 2023 (HealthDay News) — The “love hormone” oxytocin might not play the critical role in forming social bonds that scientists have long believed, a new animal study suggests.Prairie voles bred without receptors for oxytocin display t…
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