Full Resolution of Symptoms Seen in Most Children With Lyme Disease

MONDAY, May 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Most children with Lyme disease experience full resolution of symptoms, according to a study published online March 30 in Pediatric Research.
Maureen Monaghan, Ph.D., from The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C., and colleagues characterized long-term outcomes for pediatric patients with Lyme disease and assessed the case definition of posttreatment Lyme disease (PTLD) syndrome in a sample of 102 children with confirmed Lyme disease diagnosed six months to 10 years before enrollment. Validated questionnaires assessing health-related quality of life, physical mobility, fatigue, pain, and cognitive impact were completed.
The researchers found that although time to full resolution varied, most parents reported their child's symptoms resolved completely. Overall, 22 parents (22 percent) indicated that their child had one or more persistent symptom more than six months after treatment: 13 and nine without and with functional impairment (PTLD symptoms and PTLD syndrome, respectively). Lower parent-reported Physical Summary scores and greater likelihood of elevated fatigue were seen for children with PTLD syndrome.
"These findings have important implications for clinicians treating pediatric patients with Lyme disease. Families should be counseled that full recovery is expected, and most patients recover in the first six months posttreatment, regardless of clinical presentation," the authors write. "For the small number of children who do not experience full recovery, more research is needed to better define the course and pathogenesis of their prolonged symptoms, as well as novel targeted therapies to relieve their suffering."
One author holds a patent related to screening for Lyme disease.
Abstract/Full Text (subscription or payment may be required)
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