Consumption of Fruits, Veggies Low in CKD Patients

MONDAY, Aug. 1, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Low consumption of fruits and vegetables (F&Vs) is prevalent among U.S. adults, especially those with chronic kidney disease (CKD), according to a study published online July 4 in the Journal of Renal Nutrition.
Shirin Pourafshar, Ph.D., from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, and colleagues characterized patterns of F&V intake in U.S. adults with and without CKD using data from multiple cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; 1988 to 1994; 2003 to 2010; and 2011 to 2018). F&Vs were categorized based on food processing and phytochemical content. Patterns of F&Vs were assessed and intake patterns were compared across the three temporal cohorts and CKD status.
The researchers found that in each cycle, four similar patterns of F&V intake emerged: low overall intake and high unprocessed, high ultra-processed, and moderate processed F&V. In all cohorts and CKD groups, the overall low intake pattern was most prevalent. In each cohort, participants with versus without CKD were more likely to be classified as overall low intake after adjustment for demographic variables and selected health conditions; this finding was not significant in NHANES 2011 to 2018.
"We hope that through this study and similar studies we would be able to encourage both healthy individuals and patients with chronic kidney disease to reconsider their intake of fruits and vegetables by incorporating greater varieties and amounts of unprocessed or minimally processed fruits and vegetables into their everyday diets," Pourafshar said in a statement.
Abstract/Full Text (subscription or payment may be required)
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