Light Exercise During Dialysis Tied to Improved Physical Functioning
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Patients who engage in light exercise while undergoing hemodialysis may see benefits in physical health and quality of life, according to a study published online June 17 in NEJM Evidence.Kirsten Anding-Ros…
Learn MoreExercise Plus Cognitive Training May Aid Seniors With Mild Cognitive Impairment
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — The combination of aerobic and resistance exercises with computerized cognitive training may improve cognition in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), according to a study published online Jul…
Learn MoreYounger Kidney Cancer Patients on VEGF Inhibitors at Elevated Risk for Hypertension
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Hypertension during treatment is common among adolescents and young adults (AYAs) being treated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors for renal cancer, according to a study published onl…
Learn MoreRacial Disparities Seen Among Hospitalized Patients With Decompensated Cirrhosis
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Among individuals hospitalized with decompensated cirrhosis, racial and ethnic disparities in the use of complex life-saving procedures and mortality persist, according to a study published online July 20 i…
Learn MoreWomen With LVO Acute Ischemic Stroke Less Likely to Be Routed to Stroke Centers
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Women with large vessel occlusion (LVO) acute ischemic stroke (AIS) are less likely to be routed to comprehensive stroke centers (CSCs) compared with men, despite presenting with more significant stroke syn…
Learn MoreVegetarian Diet May Be the Best Bet for Those at High Risk for Heart Disease
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — As more people are advised to shun meat, a new study from Australia adds to evidence that a vegetarian diet can help improve heart health.A review of 20 prior investigations found that folks who followed a …
Learn MoreNasal Swab for Bacteria Might Slash Antibiotic Prescribing in Kids
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Testing children with a suspected sinus infection for three common bacteria might cut unnecessary antibiotic prescribing, a new study suggests.Only half of kids with sinusitis — inflammation or swelling of…
Learn MoreHigh Cadmium Levels Linked to Endometriosis
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Women are more likely to develop endometriosis if they have elevated levels of cadmium in their system, a new study reports.Twice as many women with slightly or moderately elevated levels of the toxic eleme…
Learn MoreMinorities, Women Are Shortchanged When It Comes to Statins
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — In yet another example of inequities in U.S. health care, new research indicates that many women and minority men who need statins to protect their heart aren’t getting them.“The recommendation to use stat…
Learn MoreQuartz Countertops Are Damaging the Lungs of Installers: Study
WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Workers making the most popular type of countertop sold in the United States are at risk for potentially deadly lung disease, a new study finds.The risk owes to the tiny particles of dust produced while cut…
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