Extent of Tumor Resection Linked to Overall Survival in Low-Grade Glioma

TUESDAY, Jan. 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- For patients with diffuse low-grade glioma, the extent of surgical tumor resection (EOR) is associated with overall survival (OS), with improved OS seen with EOR ≥75 percent, according to a study published online Jan. 4 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Shawn L. Hervey-Jumper, M.D., from the University of California in San Francisco, and colleagues conducted a 20-year retrospective cohort study involving 392 patients with Isocitrate dehydrogenase-mutant grade 2 glioma to examine the combined effects of volumetric EOR and molecular and clinical factors on OS and progression-free survival. The OS results were validated in two external cohorts with 365 participants.
The researchers identified three survival risk groups using a recursive partitioning analysis. The shortest median OS was seen in two subsets of patients with astrocytoma: those with postoperative tumor volume (TV) >4.6 mL and those with preoperative TV >43.1 mL and postoperative TV of ≤4.6 mL. Patients with astrocytoma who had chemotherapy with preoperative TV ≤43.1 mL and postoperative TV ≤4.6 mL and patients with oligodendroglioma with preoperative TV >43.1 mL and residual TV ≤4.6 mL or postoperative residual volume >4.6 mL had intermediate OS. Astrocytoma patients with preoperative TV ≤43.1 mL and postoperative TV ≤4.6 mL who received no chemotherapy and oligodendroglioma patients with preoperative TV ≤43.1 mL and postoperative TV ≤4.6 mL had the longest OS. Survival outcomes were improved with EOR ≥75 percent.
"Even for oligodendrogliomas, there is no question that maximal resection is critical for enhancing survival," Hervey-Jumper said in a statement.
Several authors disclosed financial ties to the biopharmaceutical, medical device, and health care industries.
Abstract/Full Text (subscription or payment may be required)
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