Promise Center is a drop-in center for adults with mental illness and is a program of Southern Iowa Mental Health Center. It was created in 2001 in response to needs expressed by individuals with mental illness, providers, and community members. Identified was a long-standing need for a safe, non-judgmental, non-“clinical” place to socialize, receive support and be involved in age-appropriate structured and unstructured activities and learning experiences regardless of how mental illness was impacting one’s life. It is a resource to utilize in one’s recovery where the individual has a say in what goes on.
Promise Center is essentially peer-run and staffed by a licensed bachelor social worker. It is not a crisis center or treatment center but rather a place to develop and use social skills, learn about the community, and work toward personal recovery. There is no charge for the service.
Promise Center is located at 531 Church Street. Ottumwa, IA which is centrally located in the downtown area on a bus route and less than one block from the main bus stop. Members are responsible for their own transportation and there is parking available in front of and behind the building. Promise Center’s hours of operation are 11:00am – 4:00pm Monday – Friday. In addition to unstructured socialization and recreation, there are numerous structured activities scheduled throughout the month, such as birthday celebrations, movies, skill-building/problem-solving groups, peer support, art therapy, guest speakers, games, business and planning meetings, crafts, holiday parties and community outings. Members decide how to spend their time while at Promise Center.
Membership is available to individuals age 18 and older who have a mental illness. Individuals wishing to join must apply for membership with the Coordinator. At that time, the individual may be asked to sign a release of information to verify their diagnosis. Accepted members must sign an agreement indicating their willingness to abide by the rules of Promise Center.
Promise Center Goals
- Provide opportunities for socialization, peer networking, and sense of belonging.
- Assist in community integration.
- Enhance self-advocacy.
- Encourage empowerment by member involvement in program planning and activities.
- Provide awareness of and linkage to other community resources.
- Educate members and the community about mental illness and recovery.
Promise Center Mission Statement
To provide a safe, nurturing environment for fellowship, support, and recovery for adults with mental illness.
Promise Center Values Statement
- Respect for the human dignity and individuality of each person served.
- Support maximum self-determination for all individuals served.
- Committed to creating a sense of community and opportunities for mutually supportive relationships.
- Recognize the individual’s right to strive to live, learn, and work in the settings of his/her choice.
- Acknowledge the potential for individual recovery and that mental illness does not define the person.
Promise Center Vision Statement
We envision a society in which all persons have optimal mental health, where mental illness is recognized as a health issue, and where stigma and other barriers to recovery are eliminated.
We promote recovery/wellness by empowering individuals with mental illness to achieve the highest quality of life through independence, hope, mutual support, and self-determination.